Unit 6 – Part 3



Quizlet (external link)



♪ 3-10 MODEL SENTENCES (p.88)

Do you read a lot?
Do you read a lot?
Takusan hon o yomimasu ka?
No, not so often.
No, not so often.
Iie, sore hodo hinpan de wa arimasen.
Yes, all the time. I read mangas.
Yes, all the time. I read mangas.
Hai, itsumo desu. Manga o yomimasu.
Do you watch a lot of TV?
Do you watch a lot of TV?
Takusan terebi o mimasu ka?
Hm, sometimes I watch sports.
Hm, sometimes I watch sports.
Uun, tokidoki supootsu o mimasu.
Do you play any games?
Do you play any games?
Geemu o shimasu ka?
Yes, sometimes I play online games.
Yes, sometimes I play online games.
Uun, tokidoki onraingeemu o shimasu.
Do you use social media?
Do you use social media?
Soosharu media o tsukaimasu ka?
I use Facebook to stay in touch with my friends.
Facebook を使って友達と連絡を取り合います。
I use Facebook to stay in touch with my friends.
Facebook o tsukatte tomodachi to renraku o toriaimasu.
「I read mangas」
この一連のモデル文は、質問に対して答えて、さらに好きな娯楽について話を広げていくときによくある流れです。「I read mangas」などの文は、「What do you read, watch, or play?(何を読みますか?何を観ますか?何のゲームをしますか?)」という暗黙の質問に対する答えになっています。
I read mangas
These model sentences represent some common ways to extend your answers and talk more about your favorite kinds of entertainment.They answer the implicit question, “「What do you read, watch, or play?”
「I use Facebook to stay in touch with my friends」のうち、「to stay in touch with my friends」の部分は、「Why do you use Facebook? (Facebookを使っているのはなぜですか?)」という「暗黙の質問」に対する答えになっています。もちろん、Facebook以外のSNSを使っている場合にも使えます。 I use Facebook to stay in touch with my friends
This information answers the implicit question, “Why do you use Facebook” (or any other social media service for that matter).

♪ 3-11 SOUNDING NATURAL NOTE: Skip the questions (p.89)

Sounding Natural Note: Skip the questions Sounding Natural Note: Skip the questions
さて、音楽や映画などの好みについて話すときは、その良い面と悪い面について意見を交わすことがよくあります。特に、「when?」、「where?」、「how often?」などに関して話すことが多いでしょう。教科書の例文を確認してみましょう。
As we have studied, a distinctive pattern of native-speaker English is to talk for a while without asking any questions. In order to do this, you need to increase your sensitivity to implicit questions related to the topic at hand. Talking about yourself then becomes a matter of simply answering these implicit questions from your point of view and experience. While taking turns talking about the implicit questions, you will find you won’t need to use questions all the time to keep the conversation moving. If this sounds difficult, remember that you already do this naturally without thinking in your own language! If you can do it in Japanese, you can do it in English.
When talking about your entertainment preferences, it’s quite common to discuss the pros and cons of your choices, especially with regards to implicit questions such as “when?”, “where?”, and “how often?” Let’s go over the patterns below.
When & Where?
これらの表現を使えば、いつ、どこでしたのかという情報を相手に伝えることができます。例えば、「I watch TV when I’m tired」という文は、「when?」に対する答えになっていますし、「I read mangas when I’m on the train」という文は「where?」に対する答えになっています。「all the time」は、「how often?」に対する答えになっています。その他にも、「sometimes(時々)」、「occasionally(たまに)」「hardly ever do(めったにしない)」「never do(絶対しない)」などの、頻度を表すいろいろな副詞を自由に使ってみましょう。
When & Where?
This answer pattern enables you to talk about when and where you do a particular activity. For example, “I watch TV when I’m tired” answers “when”, while “I read mangas when I’m on the train” answers “where”. The expression “all the time” answers the implicit question “how often;”  Feel free to use any frequency adverb here, such as “sometimes”, “occasionally”, “hardly ever do”, or “never do”
Pros & Cons
また、娯楽などいろいろな楽しみについて話すときには、「Pros & Cons 良い面と悪い面」にあるような表現を使うとよいでしょう。
Pros & Cons
The following language patterns and expressions are great for talking about the pros and cons of your various entertainment choices.

♪ 3-13 SOUNDING NATURAL NOTE: The six-turn “no-questions-asked” challenge (p.90)

Sounding Natural Note: The six-turn “no-questions-asked” challenge Sounding Natural Note: The six-turn “no-questions-asked” challenge
基本的なパターンとしては次のようになります。まず、1人があるトピックについて話し始めます。それからは、相手が言ったことにきちんとリアクションを返しながら、交互に自分の好みや経験について話を続けていく、という形です。この会話スタイルは慣れないとなかなか難しいかもしれませんので、「質問なしで会話を進める」練習を積極的にしていく必要があります。早速次の練習で、パートナーと一緒に、少なくとも6行以上の「質問なし」の会話文を作ってみましょう。最初は自分の好みに関連する話などから始めて、交互に会話を続けていきましょう。上の「会話ドリル」の会話スタイルやこのUnit内 の単語なども参考にしてください。関連する他の単語は、cic-multimedia.com のウェブサイトにあるUnit 6の「単語リスト」で確認してみましょう。会話が完成したら、先生にチェックしてもらいましょう。頑張ってください!
Notice that in the GUIDED SPEAKING PRACTICE activity above, the speakers have a lovely conversation about entertainment yet don’t use any questions.The basic pattern goes like this: a topic is introduced, then each person takes turns talking about their own preferences and experiences while at the same time reacting to what their partner is saying.Since this style of speaking does not come naturally for many native speakers of Japanese, we need to practice it more by taking “the no-questions-asked challenge”. In the following activity, work with a partner to write a conversation of at least six turns that contains no questions. Begin with a statement, then go from there. Use the dialog above as a guide, as well as other vocabulary from this unit. In addition, you can find extra vocabulary at cic-multimedia.com. When you’re done, have your teacher check over your work. Good luck!

♪ 3-14 (USA), 初版1-98/第二版3-15 (UK), 初版1-99/第二版3-16 (AUS)  LISTENING PRACTICE (p.91)

A: I like watching comedy when I’m tired. Laughing (1) a bit helps me relax.
B: Yeah, I know what you mean. I find reading a good book is also very relaxing.
A: Oh yeah? Me, too. But I don’t have much time for reading (2) these days.
B: I usually read while commuting on the train.
A: Yeah, I do that sometimes, but I usually play games (3) on my phone.
B: Sounds fun! What’s your favorite?
A: Well, these days I’m into (4) “Candy Crush”.
B: Oh yeah, I heard about that (AUS: that one). I’d like to try it.
A: It’s really addictive (5)! Watch out!
B: Yeah…It’s not good to play too much, I guess.
A: Oh, listen- I gotta (6) run (UK: must). Message me on Facebook, okay?
B: Okay, sounds good! (AUS: no worries!) See you later!
A: Bye!