Unit 5 – Part 2



Quizlet (external link)



♪ 2-37 MODEL SENTENCES (p.72)

What do you usually do in your free time?
What do you usually do in your free time?
Yoka wa, fudan, nani o shite sugoshimasu ka?
I usually watch TV.
I usually watch TV.
Fudan wa terebi o mimasu.
What do you like doing in your free time?
What do you like doing in your free time?
Yoka wa, nani o shite sugosu no ga suki desu ka?
I like watching TV.
I like watching TV.
Terebi o miru no ga suki desu.

♪ 2-38 MODEL SENTENCES (p.73)

Did you watch a lot of TV during the break?
Did you watch a lot of TV during the break?
Yasumi chuu, takusan terebi o mimashita ka?
Yes, I sure did.
Yes, I sure did.
Hai, mochiron mimashita.
No, not really.
No, not really.
Iie, amari mimasen deshita.
ここで、「ゴールデン・ルール2」を思い出してください。「Did you watch a lot of TV during the break?」のような「疑問詞を使わない疑問文」で質問をされたら、きっと「yes」や「no」で答えることでしょう。しかしそれだけでは面白みがありません。ぜひ、少なくとも1つは、聞かれていないことも付け加えて答えてみましょう。例えば、休み中にたくさんテレビを見たのなら、どんな番組を見ましたか?または、どんなテレビゲームをしましたか?どんな音楽を聴きましたか?などについて答えることができます。あるいは、聞かれたこととは違うことをしたのなら、何をしたのかについて答えてもよいでしょう。このようにして、できるだけ長く答えられる力をしっかりつけていきましょう。英語での会話を楽しく円滑に進めるためには、決定的に重要なスキルです。 Remember Golden Rule 2!Whether you answer yes or no to this closed question, remember to add at least one extra piece of information. For example, if you watched a lot of TV during the break, what shows did you watch? Which video games did you play, and what music did you listen to? If you didn’t do something, what did you do? You ability to give longer answers is critical for sounding friendlier and more communicative.
「Did you watch a lot of TV during the break?」という質問文は、Part1で学んだ最近の長期休暇についての質問にもそのままつなげることができます。余暇の印象をなんとなく話して終わりにするのではなく、その間に何をしたのかについて具体的な話を引き出したいときに使ってみましょう。これは「フォローアップの質問」としての使い方ですが、場合によっては、話題を変えたいときにも使うことができます。 Did you watch a lot of TV during the break?
This question connects the conversation back to the main topic of Part 1, which was talking about your most recent break from school. It allows you to talk about how you spent your free time during an actual period of time, not just in abstract. This question pattern works well as a follow-up question or to introduce a new topic.

♪ 2-39 SOUNDING NATURAL NOTE: React with echo questions (p.73)

Sounding Natural Note: React with echo questions Sounding Natural Note: React with echo questions
Echo questions are a conversation strategy that helps you improve conversations in several ways. First, by repeating a keyword or phrase with a rising intonation, you can give yourself time to think of an answer.
In addition, echo questions are often used as reactions to show interest in what your partner says. As with all reactions, however, saying them with proper intonation is essential. This is because HOW you say a word affects its meaning. To review this point, let’s practice in the following way: With a partner, read the following dialog three times: first with a flat, monotone intonation, then with an over-the-top enthusiastic intonation, and finally with your normal, friendly voice. Have fun!
A: I play guitar in a rock band during my free time.
B: A rock band!? Wow, that is so cool.
For example:
A: I play guitar in a rock band during my free time.
B: A rock band!? Wow, that is so cool.
A: I play guitar in a rock band during my free time.
B: A rock band!? Wow, that is so cool.
Sounds boring and lifeless, doesn’t it? Next, try going the other way and read the dialog with an overly enthusiastic voice:
A: I play guitar in a rock band during my free time.
B: A rock band!? Wow, that is so cool.
A: I play guitar in a rock band during my free time.
B: A rock band!? Wow, that is so cool.
Wow! That’s too genki!Finally, read the dialog in your natural, positive voice- not too drab, and not too excited:
A: I play guitar in a rock band during my free time.
B: A rock band!? Wow, that is so cool.
どうでしたか?このように、どのようなイントネーションで話すかによって、その言葉が伝える意味まで変わってきます。ぜひいつも気に留めておいてください。両極端に偏ることなく、ちょうどいいイントネーションで話すようにすれば、ますます英会話が上達することでしょう! We hope you had fun with this exercise! Remember- how you say words, your intonation, influences the meaning of what you say. Avoid either extreme, and your English will sound much better!

♪ 2-41 SOUNDING NATURAL NOTE: Find common ground by talking about yourself (p.75)

Sounding Natural Note: Find common ground by talking about yourself Sounding Natural Note: Find common ground by talking about yourself
One of the main goals of most social interaction is to make a connection with the person you are speaking with. You do this by finding common ground, by finding something you are both interested in. Talking about free time activities is a particularly good way to do this with because we all do something when we are not busy.
In Japanese, when two people strive to find common ground, they often use many questions and short answers. In contrast, English speakers tend to talk about themselves in turn. However, when doing so it’s vital to acknowledge your partner. To not do so would lead to two people talking past each other. This is not only unnatural, it is also considered a bit rude, like in the following example:
A: I really like sleeping a lot in my free time.
B: I like playing baseball.
A: I usually get up around 2 pm on the weekends.
B: I practice everyday after school.
A: I really like sleeping a lot in my free time.
B: I like playing baseball.
A: I usually get up around 2 pm on the weekends.
B: I practice everyday after school.
これでは、お互いが勝手に自分のことを話しているだけで、話が全く噛み合っておらず不自然です。このような困った状況を避けるためにも、相手が言ったことに対しては、リアクション表現などを使ってまずは反応してみせましょう。次の例で違いを確認してください。 In this example, there is no connection between the speakers. It is strange because they are talking past each other. To properly talk about yourself, you need to react first to what your partner says:
A: I really like sleeping a lot in my free time.
B: Oh yeah? I like playing baseball.
A: Baseball? Really? I usually get up around 2pm on the weekends.
B: Wow, that’s late. I practice everyday after school.
A: I really like sleeping a lot in my free time.
B: Oh yeah? I like playing baseball.
A: Baseball? Really? I usually get up around 2pm on the weekends.
B: Wow, that’s late. I practice everyday after school.