Unit 3 – Part 3
• Talk About Yourself (for Unit 3) • Find the Implicit Questions (for Unit 3) • Conversation Analysis (for Unit 3) • Give Longer Answers (for Unit 3)
Where would you like to live in the future? 将来、どこに住みたいですか? |
Where would you like to live in the future? Shourai, doko ni sumitai desu ka? |
I’d like to live here. ここに住みたいです。 |
I’d like to live here. Koko ni sumitai desu. |
I’d like to live in a big city like Tokyo. 東京のような大都市に住みたいです。 |
I’d like to live in a big city like Tokyo. Toukyo no youna daitoshi ni sumitai desu. |
I’d like to live in a medium-sized city like Hiroshima. 広島のような中規模の街に住みたいです。 |
I’d like to live in a medium-sized city like Hiroshima. Hiroshima no youna chuukibo no machi ni sumitai desu. |
I’d like to live in a small city like Toyama. 富山のような小さい街に住みたいです。 |
I’d like to live in a small city like Toyama. Toyama no youna chiisai machi ni sumitai desu. |
「I’d like to live in a medium-sized city like HIroshima.」の「medium-sized」の代わりに、「midsize」を使うこともできます。 | in a medium-sized city Alternatively, it is quite common to say “midsize”: I’d like to live in a midsize city like Hiroshima. |
♪ 2-10 SOUNDING NATURAL NOTE: Agree and disagree politely (p.51)
Sounding Natural Note: Agree and disagree politely | Sounding Natural Note: Agree and disagree politely |
「将来どこに住みたいか?」という話題では、自然と、住む場所についてのお互いの好みを比較対照することになるでしょう。「住むなら田舎か、大都会か」、「故郷がいいか、それともどこか別の場所がいいか」など、意見の分かれ目はいろいろと考えられます。 | The question about where you will live in the future brings up a natural opportunity to compare and contrast your preferences for places to live. Do you prefer living in the countryside or the big city? In your hometown or someplace else? |
いつか住みたい場所について話しているときに、相手に賛同したくなったら、「Yes, it must be nice.」などのように肯定的な形容詞を使って返しましょう。もし、それにすこし反対のニュアンスも付け加えたいときには、「But isn’t it a bit boring?」のように、否定的な形容詞を用いたコメントを続けることもできます。 | As you talk about where you would like to live someday, you can agree with your partner’s choice using the “Yes, it must be + <positive adjective>” pattern. If you would like to agree and bring up a contrary point, do so by using the “But isn’t it a bit + <negative adjective>?” pattern. |
また、相手に失礼にならないようにやんわりと反対の意見を言いたいときは、「Personally, I prefer A」という表現を使えば大丈夫です。英語の会話では、相手の意見に対して賛成か反対かをはっきり示すことが大切です。そうすれば、親しみやすい人だと思ってもらえるでしょう。 | To politely state your opposite opinion, use the “Personally, I prefer A” pattern. Politely agreeing and disagreeing will make you sound more communicative. |
♪ SOUNDING NATURAL NOTE: Talk about yourself (p.52)
Sounding Natural Note: Talk about yourself | Sounding Natural Note: Talk about yourself |
「ゴールデン・ルール3」でも学んだように、時には自分のことを率先して話すのが大切です。このUnitのテーマである「故郷」についても、練習をしてみましょう。 まず、1の4行の会話パターンをしっかり確認してください。まずはAさんが質問して、Bさんが長めの答えを返します。そして、Aさんがリアクション表現で応えて、自分自身のコメントを付け加えます。そこでBさんは、Aさんのコメントに対してリアクションしながら、先ほどの自分の答えに対する理由も付け加えています。 次に、2の会話例をパートナーと声に出して読み合い、このパターンに慣れていきましょう。英語のネイティブスピーカーは、よくこのような形で会話のキャッチボールをしています。 最後に練習として、先ほどの会話パターンにならい、賛成・反対の表現を含む4行の会話のやりとりを3のところに書いてみましょう。 |
Again, Golden Rule 3 states that it’s natural to sometimes talk about yourself. Let’s practice that rule within the context of this unit’s theme, hometowns. Notice the following four-line conversation exchange. A asks a question, B gives a long answer, then A responds by reacting and then answer his or her own question. B then reacts to that and adds some more detail to his or her own previous answer. If you read the example with a partner out loud, you can feel how this works. This is a very common way that native English speakers talk. Finally, for added practice, write a similar four-line exchange using some of the agreeing/disagreeing expressions from above. |
♪ 2-13 (USA), 2-14 (UK), 2-15 (AUS) LISTENING PRACTICE (p.53)
A: Ah… where are you from again, Sylvie? B: I’m from Chicago. How about you? (UK: London) (AUS: Perth) A: I’m from Broomfield, Colorado. (UK: Skipton, in Yorkshire) (AUS: Dubbo, in New South Wales) B: Pardon? A: I’m from a town (1) called Broomfield, which is between Denver and Boulder. (UK: I’m from a small town called Skipton, which is near the Yorkshire Dales.) (AUS: I’m from a small town called Dubbo, which is west of Sydney.) B: Oh, I see. Is your hometown famous for anything? A: Well, it’s close to the mountains (2), so there are many good ski areas nearby. (UK: hiking) (AUS: skiing) B: That sounds great. Are there any other fun things to do? A: No, not really! There is nothing to do at night. I don’t like it there. It’s too boring (3). B: Really? That’s too bad. Where would you like to live in the future? A: I’d like to live abroad (4), in a big city like London. (UK: Singapore) (AUS: New York) B: Well, that’s cool, but I hear it can be a stressful (5) place to live. A: Yeah, I suppose, but it’s also very exciting. There are people from many cultures (6) there. B: Yeah, it’s a multicultural society, that’s true. (UK: Yes) (AUS: Yes) |