Unit 6 – Part 2



Quizlet (external link)



♪ 3-5 MODEL SENTENCES (p.84)

What kind of movies are you into?
What kind of movies are you into?
Donna eiga ni hamatte imasu ka?
I love action films.
I love action films.
Akushon eiga ga daisuki desu.
What’s your favorite movie?
What’s your favorite movie?
Okiniiri no eiga wa nan desu ka?
I love “Star Wars.”
I love “Star Wars.”
Sutaa Uoozu” ga daisuki desu.
Who’s your favorite actor?
Who’s your favorite actor?
Okiniiri no haiyuu wa dare desu ka?
I love Johnny Depp.
I love Johnny Depp.
Jonii Deppu ga daisuki desu.
「I love action films.」
ここでは、もちろん「love」以外の動詞を使って答えてもいいでしょう。アクション映画が好きなら、「I really like action films.」や「I’m really into action films.」などと答えることができます。同じことを伝えるのでも、いろいろと違った表現を交えて話すことで、より自然な英会話になります。
I love action films
Of course it’s also okay to use a different verb here. For example, if you like action films, you can also say”I really like action films”, “I love action films” or “I’m really into action films.” Using different ways to say the same thing will help your English sound more natural.

♪ 3-6 SOUNDING NATURAL NOTE: Use “echo questions” to give yourself time to think (p.85)

Sounding Natural Note: Use “echo questions” to give yourself time to think Sounding Natural Note: Use “echo questions” to give yourself time to think
“Echo questions” are an effective strategy that can be used to give yourself time to think of an answer, which issomething that will likely come up in this topic.
Just repeat part of the question with a rising intonation. This will buy you some time to come up with your reply.
A: What’s your favorite movie?
B: Favorite movie? Hm… good question. Um, Star Wars, I think.
For example:
A: What’s your favorite movie?
B: Favorite movie? Hm… good question. Um, Star Wars, I think.
このとき、Unit 2のPart 1で学んだ「hm」などの間投詞や「Let’s see」、「That’s a good question」などの時間を稼ぐ表現を使うことを忘れないようにしましょう。 Remember to use other “getting time to think” sounds that we learned back in Unit 2, such as um, ah, and hm.

♪ 3-7 MODEL SENTENCES (p.85)

What have you seen recently?
What have you seen recently?
Saikin nani o mimashita ka?
I saw “◯◯” on DVD.
DVD で “◯◯”を観ました。
I saw “◯◯” on DVD.
DVD de “◯◯” o mimashita.
I haven’t seen anything recently.
I haven’t seen anything recently.
Saikin ha nani mo miteimasen.
The last movie I saw was “◯◯.”
一番最近観たのは、 “◯◯”です。
The last movie I saw was “◯◯.”
Ichiban saikin mita no wa,  “◯◯” desu.
「recently」は、文脈にもよりますが、ふつうは1、2か月前のことを指します。 recently
While the word “recently” can be relative, it is usually means in the past month or two.

♪ 3-8 MODEL SENTENCES (p.86)

What did you think about it?
What did you think about it?
Sore o dou omoimashita ka?
It was funny.
It was funny.
Omoshirokatta desu.
It was funny and the acting was great.
It was funny and the acting was great.
Omoshirokatta desu. Soshite, engi ga subarashikatta desu.
It was funny but the special effects were terrible.
It was funny but the special effects were terrible.
Omoshirokatta desu. Demo, tokushu kouka ga hidokatta desu.
ここでは、「and」 「but」の使い方に注意しましょう。「and」は、肯定的なものであれ否定的なものであれ、似たような方向性を持つ2つの文をつなげたいときに使います。一方、「but」は、肯定的な文と否定的な文などの、逆の方向性を持つ2つの文を対照させたいときに使います。 and / but
Remember that “and” connects two ideas with a similar meaning, either positive or negative. Use “but” to contrast a positive point with a negative one (or vice versa).
「the acting was great」 「the special effects were terrible」
the acting was great / the special effects were terrible
Remember that “was” goes with singular subjects, while “were” goes with plural ones.