Unit 3 – Part 1



Quizlet (external link)



♪ 2-1 MODEL SENTENCES (p.42)

What’s your hometown famous for?
What’s your hometown famous for?
Anata no kokyou wa nan de yuumei desu ka?
What’s your area famous for?
What’s your area famous for?
Anata no chiiki wa nan de yuumei desu ka?
It’s famous for Himeji Castle.
It’s famous for Himeji Castle.
Himeji jou de yuumei desu.
It’s well-known for hot springs.
It’s well-known for hot springs.
Onsen de yoku shirarete imasu.
「It’s famous for Himeji Castle.」について見てみましょう。故郷の街や村が何でよく知られているかを話すときに、よくあるものとしては、伝統的な建造物やショッピング街、お祭りや食べ物、自然豊かな観光地などが挙げられるでしょう。有名なものが何も思いつかないという場合には、スマートフォンなどを使って、インターネットでさっと検索してみましょう。あるいは、「Hokuriku is famous for lots of snow in winter.(北陸は冬にたくさん雪が降ることで有名です。)」などというように、街や村から範囲を広げて、都道府県や地方のことについて話してみてもいいでしょう。 It’s famous for Himeji Castle.
Typical things that hometowns are well-known for include old traditional buildings, shopping areas, festivals, foods, and nature spots. If you can’t think of anything your hometown is famous for, do a quick search online on your smartphone. Alternatively, you could talk about your prefecture or region instead: “Hokuriku is famous for lots of snow in winter.”

♪ 2-2 SOUNDING NATURAL NOTE: Get needed vocabulary (p.43)

Sounding Natural Note: Get needed vocabulary Sounding Natural Note: Get needed vocabulary
言いたいことはあるのに英語でどう言うか分からない、ということも時にはあるでしょう。そんなときは、次のような表現を使って、英語でどのように言えばいいのかを聞いてみてください。 Sometimes it’s hard to find words to express yourself. In that case, use these simple expressions to get the vocabulary you need.
How do you say “◯◯” in English?
What’s “◯◯” in English?
How do you say “◯◯” in English?
What’s “◯◯” in English?
大切なのは、黙り込まずにとにかく聞いてみることです。沈黙してしまうのが一番よくありません。早速、次の会話例をパートナーと読み合って、実際に練習してみましょう。 Remember, if you don’t know how to say something, it’s much better to just ask rather than go into silence. Let’s practice by reading the dialog below with a partner:
A: My hometown is famous for … ah… um… How do you say “utsukushii shizen” in English?
B: Oh, I think it’s “beautiful nature”.
A: Yes, that’s right! It’s famous for beautiful nature.
A: My hometown is famous for … ah… um… How do you say “utsukushii shizen” in English?
B: Oh, I think it’s “beautiful nature”.
A: Yes, that’s right! It’s famous for beautiful nature.
Naturally, finding needed vocabulary won’t always go so smoothly. If your partner doesn’t know, you could ask another classmate or your teacher.If it becomes too much of a struggle, it may be better at that point to “pass” and move on.
Even if you struggle a bit to get your meaning across, it is much better to try than fall into silence. Asking for how to say something shows you are trying to communicate. This ultimately is more important than being perfectly smooth.
For a bit of practice, write your own version of this example dialog below. Use something famous from your hometown or area.

♪ 2-3 MODEL SENTENCES (p.44)

Are there any fun things to do?
Are there any fun things to do?
Tanoshii koto wa arimasu ka?
Are there any special foods to try?
Are there any special foods to try?
Taberu beki meisanhin wa arimasu ka?
If you have the time, you should visit Kinkakuji Temple.
If you have the time, you should visit Kinkakuji Temple.
Jikan ga aru nara, Kinkakuji ni iku beki desu yo.
If you have the time, you should definitely visit Kinkakuji Temple.
If you have the time, you should definitely visit Kinkakuji Temple.
Jikan ga aru nara, zettai Kinkakuji ni iku beki desu yo.
「If you have the time, you should visit Kinkakuji Temple. 」
If you have the time, you should visit Kinkakuji Temple.
The clause beginning with “if” in this model sentence is optional, but it makes for a smoother and richer answer if used. It can come at the beginning or end of the main clause:
◯ If you have the time, you should visit Kinkakuji Temple.
◯ You should visit Kinkakuji Temple, if you have the time.
◯ If you have the time, you should visit Kinkakuji Temple.or
◯ You should visit Kinkakuji Temple, if you have the time.