Unit 7 – Part 3



Quizlet (external link)



♪ 3-24 MODEL SENTENCES (p.102)

Have you ever tried Kobe beef?
Have you ever tried Kobe beef?
Koube gyu o tabete mita koto ga arimasu ka?
Have you ever eaten at a French restaurant?
Have you ever eaten at a French restaurant?
Furansu ryouriten de shokuji o shita koto ga arimasu ka?
Yes, I have. It was delicious.
Yes, I have. It was delicious.
Hai, arimasu. Oishikatta desu.
No, I haven’t, but I’d like to.
No, I haven’t, but I’d like to.
Iie, arimasen ga, tabete mitai desu.
No, I haven’t, and I don’t want to.
No, I haven’t, and I don’t want to.
Iie, arimasenshi, tabete mitaku arimasen.
ここで、 「No, I haven’t, and I don’t want to.」だけで答えてしまうと、とてもきつく響きます。このように言いたい時には、「どうして」その食べ物を食べたくないのかについても、きちんと理由を伝えるようにしましょう。例えば、次のように言うといいでしょう。 No, I haven’t, and I don’t want to.
This is a very strong statement, so if you say this, be prepared to say WHY you don’t want to try this type of food. For example:
A: Have you ever tried natto?
B: No I haven’t, and I don’t want to. It smells terrible!
A: 納豆を食べてみたことがありますか?
B: いいえ、ありませんし、食べてみたくありません。ひどいにおいですから!
A: Have you ever tried natto?
B: No I haven’t, and I don’t want to. It smells terrible!

♪ 3-25 SOUNDING NATURAL NOTE: Continuing conversations after a “NO” answer (p.103)

Sounding Natural Note: Continuing conversations after a “NO” answer Sounding Natural Note: Continuing conversations after a “NO” answer
「No」と答えた場合、状況によっては少し気まずい雰囲気になるときがあり、コミュニケーションを拒否しているような印象まで与えるときがあるので、注意しないとそこで会話がストップしてしまうこともあるかもしれません。次の例で見てみましょう。 “No” answers tend to put a drag on conversations because they introduce a bit of uncertainty and may also signal an unwillingness to communicate. For example:
A: Have you ever been to a Mexican restaurant?
B: Ah, no I haven’t.A: ???
A: Have you ever been to a Mexican restaurant?
B: Ah, no I haven’t.A: ???
A hard NO answer like this puts a bit of pressure on the speakers. For example, in which direction should the conversation flow from this point? Who will speak next, and what should they say? This bit of uncertainty can lead to an extended silence where both partners are waiting for the other person to say something.One typical technique for dealing with this is to ask your partner the same question back:
A: Have you ever been to a Mexican restaurant?
B: No, I haven’t. Have you?
A: Have you ever been to a Mexican restaurant?
B: No, I haven’t. Have you?
This “bouncing” strategy allows the conversation to remain in flow.
Another smooth technique is to follow your NO answer with a personal comment, in the style of Golden Rule 3. For example:
A: Have you ever been to a Mexican restaurant?
– No, but I’d like to.
– No, and I don’t especially want to.
– No, but I have eaten at a Vietnamese restaurant once.
A: Have you ever been to a Mexican restaurant?
– No, but I’d like to.
– No, and I don’t especially want to.
– No, but I have eaten at a Vietnamese restaurant once.
このようにコメントを付け加えることで、そのあとの会話の流れに方向性をつけることができますし、もっと話す気があるのだという意思表示にもなります。例えば、「これをしたことはないけれども、あれをしたことはあります。」と言えば、答えは「No」であっても、そのままの話題でスムーズに話を続けることができます。英語のネイティブスピーカーはよくこのようなやり方で話しますし、会話を続けていくのにとても便利です。 This technique works well because it offers some clear ideas for how the conversation can continue. It also signals that you still want to communicate. It is a way to stay within the topic even if your answer is NO: I haven’t done this, but I have done that. This is something English native speakers do a lot- it’s a good way of keeping the conversation going.

♪ 3-26 MODEL SENTENCES (p.103)

Do you have a favorite restaurant?
Do you have a favorite restaurant?
Okiniiri no resutoran wa arimasu ka?
Do you have a favorite cafe?
Do you have a favorite cafe?
Okiniiri no kafe wa arimasu ka?
No, not really.
No, not really.
Iie, tokuni arimasen.
Yes, I like “◯◯.”
Yes, I like “◯◯.”
Hai, “〇〇” ga suki desu.
Yes, I often go to “◯◯.”
Yes, I often go to “◯◯.”
Hai, “◯◯” ni yoku ikimasu.
It’s a Japanese restaurant near Shibuya Station.
It’s a Japanese restaurant near Shibuya Station.
Shibuya eki no chikaku no nihon ryouriten desu.
It’s cheap and the food is delicious.
It’s cheap and the food is delicious.
Yasukute, ryouri ga oishiin desu.
「No, not really.」などと「No」で答えるときには、先に学んだとおり、何かコメントを付け加えることがとても大切です。ここでは、いくつかのよくある例を紹介します。 No, not really.
As mentioned previously, it’s important to say something after you give a NO answer. Here are some ideas for things you could say here:
A: Do you have a favorite restaurant?

  • B: No, not really.
  • B: No, not really. Do you?
  • B: No, not really. There are several places I like, such as Burger King and Mos Burger.

A: お気に入りのレストランはありますか?

  • B: いいえ、特にありません。
  • B: いいえ、特にありません…あなたはありますか?
  • B: いいえ、特にありません。『バーガーキング』や『モスバーガー』のように、好きなお店はいくつかあります。
A: Do you have a favorite restaurant?

  • B: No, not really.
  • B: No, not really. Do you?
  • B: No, not really. There are several places I like, such as Burger King and Mos Burger.

♪ 3-27 SOUNDING NATURAL NOTE: Remember to talk about yourself! (p.104)

Sounding Natural Note: Remember to talk about yourself! Sounding Natural Note: Remember to talk about yourself!
このテキストでは、いろいろな質問文をたくさん学んできましたが、実は、質問をはさまない会話スタイルも珍しくないのだということをよく覚えておいてください。もちろん最低限の質問は必要ですが、それ以外では質問をしないまま、しばらく会話のやり取りを続ける、というスタイルです。このように質問なしで会話のキャッチボールができるようになると、英語でのやり取りがずっと洗練されたものになります。頭で理解するのは簡単ですが、意識せずにできるようになるまでには、たくさんの練習が必要です。次の「会話ドリル」でのやり取りがよい参考になりますので、しっかり練習してみてください。 Although we have spent a lot of time learning questions in this textbook, remember that it’s also quite common to skip them sometimes. This is how English is often used- you need questions to push a conversation forward, but there are times when you can go 4, 6, or more turns without using one. These back-and-forth sequences are what give your English conversation an added interactive quality. While this may be a simple idea to understand, it takes lots of practice before you can do it automatically, without thinking. The following Guided Speaking Practice activity provides a good example for you to learn from.

♪ 3-29 (USA), 3-30 (UK), 3-31 (AUS)  LISTENING PRACTICE (p.105)

A: Wow (1), I’m so full! I had too much to eat for lunch.
B: Really? What did you have?
A: I had a big bowl of ramen, some gyoza, and cake for dessert (2).
B: Oh yeah? Do you usually eat so much at lunch? (UK: for lunch)
A: No, not usually, but this morning I skipped (3) breakfast, so I was really hungry.
B: Yeah, I do that sometimes, too.
A: Normally I’ll just have something light, like soup and salad, but today was special.
B: I had some Thai curry for lunch.
A: Really? Oh, I can’t eat that. It’s too spicy (4)!
B: Oh yeah? It wasn’t bad, though. I quite enjoyed it.
A: Yeah, well, I don’t like spicy food.
B: Really? Too bad for you! (UK: Too bad!) Have you ever tried Mexican food?
A: No, never. Is it spicy?
B: It depends on the dish. You should try it. There’s a great Mexican place near the station. It’s cheap, and the food is delicious (5).
A: Alright, sounds great. I’ll give it a try.