Unit 4 – Part 1



Quizlet (external link)



♪2-16 MODEL SENTENCES (p.54)

Have you ever been abroad?
Have you ever been abroad?
Gaikoku ni itta koto ga arimasu ka?
Have you ever been to Hiroshima?
Have you ever been to Hiroshima?
Hiroshima ni itta koto ga arimasu ka?
Yes, I have been to Korea.
Yes, I have been to Korea.
Hai, Kankoku ni itta koto ga arimasu.
Yes, I have been there.
Yes, I have been there.
Hai, soko ni itta koto ga arimasu.
Yes, I went to Hawaii last year.
Yes, I went to Hawaii last year.
Hai, kyonen Hawaii ni ikimashita.
No, I’ve never been abroad.
No, I’ve never been abroad.
Iie, gaikoku ni wa itta koto ga arimasen.
No, I’ve never been there.
No, I’ve never been there.
Iie, soko ni wa itta koto ga arimasen.
過去の旅行のことについて話すときには、「I went」などの過去形、または「I have been」などの現在完了形を使うことになりますが、使い分けに注意しましょう。
I went to Hawaii last year.
では、「last year」を付けなければ変に聞こえるでしょう。
一方で、現在完了形は、「したことがあるかどうか」という経験のあるなしに焦点が当てられている場合に使われます。そのため、現在完了形の文で、いつしたかについての情報も加えてしまうと逆におかしくなります。例えば、I have been to Hawaii last year.というような文は不自然です。
もし、「ハワイに行ったのは去年だ」という情報も伝えたいのなら、「I’ve been to Hawaii. I went last year.」というように、別で過去形の文を付け加える必要があります。
When talking about past trips, you can use either the past tense (“I went)” or the present perfect tense (“I have been).”
The past tense is used when the focus is on the past action, so it’s unnatural to have a sentence in this tense without mentioning when that action happened.For example:
I went to Hawaii last year.
Without “last year”, the sentence would be strange.
Conversely, the present perfect tense is used when the focus is on the fact that you have had that experience. It is unnatural to mention in the same sentence when that experience happened. For example, you should not say “I have been to Hawaii last year.”If you want to introduce that information, add another sentence using the past tense.For example:
I’ve been to Hawaii. I went last year.

♪2-17 SOUNDING NATURAL NOTE: Tell your travel story (p.55)

Sounding Natural Note: Tell your travel story Sounding Natural Note: Tell your travel story
誰かと旅行の話をしていて、「Have you ever been to Hiroshima?(広島に行ったことがありますか?)」などと聞かれたら、基本的には「yes」か「no」で答えることになるでしょう。ただ、それだけでは素っ気なさ過ぎて、コミュニケーションを取る気がないように思われてしまうかもしれません。ここで「ゴールデン・ルール2」を思い出してください。もっと親しみやすい印象を与えるために、聞かれていないことも1つか2つ付け加えて答えるようにしましょう。このページに示されている「暗黙の質問」の1つに答えることで、そうすることができます。
「モデル文」で示されている質問文の中の最も分かりやすい「暗黙の質問」は、「When?」ということになるでしょう。この「Sounding Natural Note」では、この他に4つの「暗黙の質問」を紹介しています。
When your conversation partner asks you a question such as “Have you ever been to Hiroshima?”, the basic answer is “ yes” or “no”. But if you only say that, you will come across like you don’t want to communicate. To sound more friendly and communicative, you shouldremember Golden Rule #2: add one or two pieces of extra information to your answers. To do that, you can answer one of the implicit questions on this page.
The most obvious implicit question, as shown in the Model Sentences, is “When?” In this Sounding Natural Note, you’ll find four more common implicit questions.
Also, if you are the one who asked the original question, and your conversation partner gives you a short answer, you can also ask these questions out loud to gather more details. Hopefully they will appreciate your interest in their travel story and feel encouraged to talk more about it.