Downloads for Teachers
Teacher’s Book
This full-color printable pdf document (currently version 4.1-March 2019) contains a 131 page manual that will help you get the most out of the textbook. It contains all of the background information, teaching notes, and tips you’ll need for conducting smooth and successful classes.
A black and white version of this manual in book form is also available. Please contact Alma Publishing if you are interested in obtaining it.
Audio Tracks
Here you can download the audio from the textbook in a single .zip file which contains all of the tracks, in .mp3 format. This will enable you to put the play the audio on your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
Bilingual audio transcripts
A printable pdf transcript of all the audio tracks in the book, including bilingual versions of the grammar & usage notes in the Model Sentences and the Sounding Natural Notes. In addition to giving students full-access to all the information presented in the audio tracks, these transcripts can be used in class if you would like your students to review this material in English.
Japanese audio transcripts
A printable pdf transcript of all the audio tracks in the book, in Japanese. In addition to giving students full-access to all the information presented in the audio tracks, these transcripts can be used in class if you would like your students to read along with the audio.
Photocopiable worksheets:
The following photocopiable worksheets have been created to give your students more practice, either in-class as expansion activities or out of class as homework. Each activity below consists of a printable pdf containing one handout that covers material from an entire unit. Answer Keys have been included. In the coming months, more worksheets will be added that focus on specific parts of each unit. These will be accessible via the navigation menu on the right side of this page. Finally, if you would like editable .docx versions of the worksheets, please contact the author at [email protected].
- Give longer answers
These handouts provide more Golden Rule 2 practice by having students rewrite short dialogs that contain too many questions and short answers. The trick is to combine many short turns into fewer longer ones.
- Conversation Analysis
These handouts are based on the Listening Practice dialogs in each unit. The aim is for students to do a bit of light analysis of each conversation by identifying examples of the Golden Rules and conversation strategies.
- Talk about yourself
These handouts give students some extra Golden Rule 3 practice by having them write short dialogs containing few or no questions. This is ideal for students who are having a hard time learning how to talk about themselves.
- Find the implicit questions
These handouts enable students to work on their awareness of implicit questions connected to the topics in each unit. Modeled after the exercise on page 25, this worksheet is great for students who need extra practice in learning Golden Rule 2 (give longer answers).
Other materials:
- Blank role-play card template
If you would like your students to create their own character cards for guided role-play, simply photocopy and cut up this template of blank cards.
- Transcription Paper
Use this handout anytime you would like your students to write out or transcribe a dialog. A generic list of required items has been provided; feel free to edit this list to fit your needs. Dialog writing is a great way to practice and play with new language, and regular transcribing assignments will help students develop listening skills and and greater self-awareness of their strengths and weaknesses. They also provide a handy record of performance that can be used at the end of the course for self-evaluation.
- Model Syllabus
This is a link to a Google Document which you can use to help you construct your syllabus when using the 3rd Edition of Conversations in Class. This generic syllabus is based on a typical university 15-week semester of 90-minute classes. Feel free to copy and paste as you see fit.